How Groupe La Centrale Proves Value and Protects Privacy with the iovox API

Discover how Groupe La Centrale proves value and protects privacy with the iovox API

The Challenge

Groupe La Centrale is the French leader in the car, motorcycle, and boat marketplace sectors. The group is based on an ecosystem of complementary car brands, including Groupe La Centrale, Promoneuve, Ma voiture, and Caradisiac. Every month more than 8 million people in France visit these websites.

The challenges facing Groupe La Centrale were clear:

  • Protect data and privacy of sellers
  • Improve service quality and value to private and professional clients
  • Improve performance management of the entire platform

The Solution

iovox API, Dedicated Numbers, Analytics, and Missed Call Alerts

Using the flexible iovox API, Groupe La Centrale was able to auto provision unique telephone numbers for each of its private sellers. In addition to providing each seller with their own number, they were also able to shield the privacy of those sellers.

Through the customization of the platform, now when a call is delivered to a private seller but not answered, the seller receives a missed call alert via email and their overall call statistics of answered and unanswered calls, based on time of day and day of week, are reflected in their real time analytics dashboard.

“The implementation of the iovox API solution is very quick and was perfectly managed.”

Antoine Despujols, Director of B2B Marketing
Groupe La Centrale screenshot

The Results

The benefits to Groupe La Centrale were almost immediate. In less than two weeks from provisioning iovox dedicated numbers through the API to private and professional sellers, Groupe La Centrale began to gather data on call volumes generated through their marketplaces. This objective information helped Groupe La Centrale easily and immediately demonstrate to its customers the value of their marketplaces, all while protecting the privacy of their customers.

With Missed Call Alerts and other iovox features in place, Groupe La Centrale now has the ability to effectively manage their marketplaces and review objective data with their customers. Through their real time dashboard analytics, they can continue to find opportunities to improve call answering capacity which are now transparently available.

With the ability to manage global performance and chart the effectiveness of each advert published, Groupe La Centrale has achieved its business and financial goals for this project through the use of the iovox call tracking API.

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