We’re here to make phone calls more valuable to everyone

At iovox, we see opportunity in the ordinary. Phone calls are an important part of life and business, yet not much has been done to innovate how we handle them, until now.





Tier 1

Telecom Carrier

The iovox Story


noun ——— / eye-oh-voks /  Play

io represents the power symbol
vox is Latin for voice

The Power of Voice

We were founded in January 2007 by Ryan and Belinda Gallagher. It was this dynamic duo that would create a company that reflects their strongest traits: innovation and creativity.

We got our start by providing major corporations like AutoTrader UK, Zoopla and OpenTable with global trackable phone numbers and analytics, which helped them grow revenue by tracking inbound phone calls and channel attribution. These are powerful services that deliver value to the corporation, but what about the individuals in those corporations?

That question led us to create a free solution for individuals and teams; one that unlocks a new level of productivity and organization for people who are constantly on the phone.

From the day the company was first founded in the Scottish countryside, iovox has always been looking for ways to make phone calls more valuable to businesses and individuals alike, and that mission is still alive and well today.

Management Team

Ryan Gallagher
Ryan Gallagher

CEO / Founder

Belinda Gallagher
Belinda Gallagher

CXO / Founder

Dan Luis
Dan Luis


James Gray
James Gray

Director of Commercial

Peter Chapman
Peter Chapman


Jacky Ruggles
Jacky Ruggles

Senior Financial Controller

Wyem Dardouri
Wyem Dardouri

Director of Product

Rajiv Vethakan
Rajiv Vethakan

Director of Operations

Ella Wu
Ella Wu

Director of UI

John Harrell
John Harrell

Director of UX

Cedric Dausse
Cedric Dausse

Sales Executive EMEA

Patrick Verzele
Patrick Verzele

Director of Voice

Marco Fettolini
Marco Fettolini

Director of Business Development

Tim Gomoll
Tim Gomoll

Director of Sales, US

Our Core Values


We will never bend the law.


We will always do our utmost to uphold our end of any agreement.


We are here to help our customers grow their business.


We believe in sharing information and expertise.


We believe everyone in the team can contribute to the success of the company.

Animal Advocates

We love dogs (and other animals).

Contact our team today to explore our products and solutions

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Contact Us

Send us a message and someone from our team will contact you ASAP.
Or call us on +1 (888) 408 4128
