Articles tagged with call tracking:

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How to Increase Health Insurance Sales: 10 Powerful Strategies

October 13, 2023

In 2023, as the health insurance marketplace welcomes over 3.6 million new customers, each of whom can choose from among an average of 88 plans offered by five insurers. This abundance of options …

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Marketing in Insurance: 8 Effective Strategies to Drive Revenue

February 28, 2023

Marketing in insurance poses a unique set of challenges because of the complex value proposition and intangible benefits of insurance products.But that’s not all.As an insurance provider, …

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4 Key Benefits Of Call Tracking For The Insurance Industry

February 14, 2023

With a sophisticated call analytics and tracking solution, you can determine which keyword, marketing campaign, or marketing channel results in most insurance policy sales.It also gives you a …

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How is Conversational AI Helping the Real Estate Industry?

July 19, 2022

Conversational AI in real estate is allowing firms to enhance the efficiency of their real estate agents, fast-track deals, and, most importantly, increase sales.But how is conversational AI …

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Conversational AI in the Automotive Industry

July 5, 2022

Conversational AI is currently being used by numerous automotive dealers and dealerships when it comes to car discovery, lead generation, and more.But how?In this article, we’ll discuss …

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Are You Prepared to Thrive in a Down Market?

June 28, 2022

You don’t have to look far to see gloom and doom economic forecasting related to war, inflation, and high interest rates. But being the optimists we are at iovox, we the see the glass half …

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Proving Value in Auto Marketing with iovox Call Tracking

April 27, 2022

It’s an honor for us to share a customer success story of how one of France’s leading auto marketers is using iovox call tracking solutions to demonstrate the value of their platform …

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8 Popular Conversational AI Use Cases (Updated for 2024)

April 26, 2022

Want to learn about some different conversational AI use cases?Conversational AI is fast turning into the most popular technology in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Each day, more and more …

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iovox API Unlocks Value of Phone Data for Europe’s Habitissimo

April 22, 2022

With a business model that relies on phone calls to generate new sales, discover how Habitissimo unlocked the value of their phone data by using the flexible API from iovox.Q: Hi Job, thanks for …

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Latest Results: Welink Increases Conversions by 18% with iovox

April 7, 2022

When more than 5,000 members across 8 countries are counting on you to help them acquire new customers, your platform must be state of the art. This article features Welink, a France based provider …

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How Subito Acquires Complete, Real-Time Visibility on Telephone Leads With iovox Call Tracking

April 6, 2022

Leaders don’t rest. They innovate. We’re pleased to share the story of how Italy’s #1 marketplace, Subito, is leveraging advanced call tracking features from iovox to ensure they …

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How to Use Conversational Intelligence to Improve Your Business

March 22, 2022

Major industries like customer support, sales, and real estate are exploring conversational intelligence to improve customer satisfaction and guide customers along their buyer journey via …

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How to Deploy Conversational AI In 8 Easy Steps

March 9, 2022

Want to learn how to deploy conversational AI?Deploying conversational artificial intelligence (AI) can help you manage and automate any customer interaction using Natural Language Processing (NLP…

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What is the Key Differentiator of Conversational AI?

February 23, 2022

How is conversational AI different from basic bots?The key differentiator of conversational AI from traditional chatbots is the use of NLU (Natural Language Understanding) and other humanlike …

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Chatbot vs Conversational AI (Differences, FAQs)

February 8, 2022

Chatbot vs conversational AI: What’s the difference?While they may seem like the same thing, there are significant differences between the two technologies. This includes differences in …

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What Is Conversational AI: Examples, Benefits, Use Cases

January 19, 2022

What is a conversational AI?If you’re only thinking about chatbots, voice assistants, and automated email responders, think again.From providing interactive customer support to nurturing…

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New Technology And Innovations That Will Improve Your CTA Conversions

September 14, 2021

The “call to action” (CTA) buttonCountless blogs have been written about how to best optimize conversions of CTA buttons. Whether the advice has been to use specific colors, words…

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Whatever Your B2B Buying Motivation Is, iovox Delivers Powerful Results

August 17, 2021

In our everyday lives, we make purchasing decisions for a variety of reasons. Maybe it’s a healthy choice at lunch because you have health-related goals you’re aiming for, and just like …

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Three Tips On How To Make Your Online Marketplace Stand Out In The Crowd

July 20, 2021

Whether you are well traveled or have never left your hometown, chances are you’ve been to an outdoor marketplace. No matter if the vendors are selling produce, handmade clothing or souvenirs…

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Don’t Get ‘BlockBustered’ When You Can Innovate With New #ConversationalAI

June 22, 2021

Remember Blockbuster Video? The iconic American video rental store where you could browse racks of movies and take one home? Faster and cheaper broadband, combined with entrepreneurial ingenuity, …

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How to Make Your Marketplace Better, Without WhatsApp

June 8, 2021

We’ve all heard the phrase “fit for purpose”, right? The concept is that we don’t use screwdrivers when we need to hammer a nail. Technically, the screwdriver could probably …

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Speed Wins. New Technology from iovox is Paving the Way in Auto Sales

May 25, 2021

Running a successful business in a highly competitive market is hard work. But when you’re in the auto industry, mastering the speed and execution with which you respond to car buyer leads can…

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3 Proven Ways iovox is Helping Online Directories Thrive

May 12, 2021

The internet has transformed most business models, but perhaps none greater than the Yellow Pages. What seems like a bygone era, those valuable directories, where our “fingers did the walking&…

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New Interview with Wyem Dardouri, Product Evangelist at iovox

April 27, 2021

Guy Kawasaki, a Silicon Valley icon, is well regarded as one of the pioneering “product evangelists” but what does a product evangelist do? And in the case of iovox, what does this new …

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The New Secret Weapon For Comparison Shopping Websites

April 13, 2021

As consumers, we’ve all used the internet to shop, whether it’s for airline tickets, hotels, or just to check which local grocer has the best price on fresh apples. Well, what if you are…

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Make Your Business Unbeatable With White Label Call Tracking Technology

February 24, 2021

When your customers can leave and switch to your competitors at the click of a button, it’s essential to bring new value to them every day and give them continuous reasons to stay. This blog …

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Are You Ready? The Mobile Everything Economy Is Here Now

February 10, 2021

It’s undeniable that the mobile phone has taken over the world. It keeps us up to date on important matters, connected to the people we care about, helps us conduct business, and can even wake…

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Psst...Wanna Know How to Close More High Involvement Deals?

January 27, 2021

There’s an entire industry of lead generation gurus that will give you a list of steps to follow when it comes to improving lead conversion from your website. Here at iovox, we have learned a …

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New Insider Interview – Is It the Beginning of the End of Telephone Numbers In the World?

January 12, 2021

For insights on trends shaping the telecommunications and call tracking industry in the new year, we sat down for a virtual one-on-one with iovox co-founder and CEO, Ryan Gallagher. Did 2020 mark …

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Abeille Assurances Saved on Their Costs and Got More Quality Leads

December 8, 2020

Most businesses would be thrilled with a 20% reduction in costs combined with a simultaneous 20% increase in leads. That’s exactly what Abeille Assurances accomplished. Learn how this 180-year…

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How is Zoopla Using New iovox Technology on Their Websites?

November 24, 2020

What do you do when your brand has 90% recognition, and your websites handle more than 70% of the market opportunity in your primary segment? Well, if your part of the Zoopla Property Group (ZPG), …

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REA Group leads the way in proving value to clients

November 10, 2020

When the home page on a website says “Changing the way the world experiences property” you know you’re about to interact with an ambitious enterprise; well, that’s REA Group…

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Spam Killer: How to Reduce Nuisance Calls from Marketing Campaigns

October 27, 2020

If you’re in marketing and your job is to make the phone ring with qualified leads for your sales team, you want their time spent talking to legitimate prospects, not answering spam calls. For…

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How to Change Outbound Caller ID to Protect Privacy

October 13, 2020

As working from home has become more commonplace, many of us have found ourselves needing to make work calls, but all we have is our personal mobile phones. What do you do when the same number you use…

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Insider Interview: Discover What Makes the iovox API Unique

September 22, 2020

At iovox, we offer our customers more than ‘ordinary call tracking.’ This insider interview with iovox CTO, Mark Carbonaro, takes an in-depth look at the magic that happens when forward-…

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The Future of Retail is Now with iovox WebConnect

September 9, 2020

Who needs a trip to the mall or the big city when from the convenience of your home you can interact with a virtual personal shopper? Like many changes that have come upon us since the pandemic began…

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How OVHcloud Improved Lead Capture with iovox WebCallBack

August 25, 2020

OVHcloud, founded in 1999, was one of Europe’s first Internet hosting companies. Now, they are the leading European cloud provider serving more than 1.5 million customers around the world. Here …

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3 ways Speech Analytics Brings Value to Your Business

August 11, 2020

The tech industry is great for buzz words and jargon that sometimes mask the benefit or practical application of a particular technology. If you’ve been reading about new innovations in AI, …

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Boost leads 20-35% with WebCallBack, a simple Call Tracking tool

July 28, 2020

To get web visits, you can spend a fortune on content production and social programs to drive organic visits to your website, or you can buy eyeballs with ad spend. Either way, a visitor to your site …

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The Truth Behind Call Recording and Consent for Sales and Marketing Professionals

June 23, 2020

When it comes to the legality of call recording, the laws and regulations change as you cross state lines and international borders. As a result, what might be legal where you live, could be illegal …

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Why, Italy's #1 Property Portal Implemented Call Tracking

June 16, 2020

Here at iovox, our blog is home to many great customer stories, featured for their innovation and the positive results garnered from using call tracking solutions to solve a business problem. In this …

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6 Powerful Apps To Help You Work Smarter From Home

June 9, 2020

Are you new to working from home, or have you been here before? Whichever side of the spectrum you fall on, we’ve got 6 powerful apps to help you work smarter from home.As more and more …

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5 Valuable Tools to Help Grow Your Business

March 3, 2020

According to data gathered by Siftery, a tool that tracks and suggests software used by businesses, top companies today use an average of 37 different tools or software platforms to run their day-to-…

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The Complete Guide to Setting Up Call Tracking for Google Analytics, Google Ads and Google Tag Manager

February 11, 2020

Iovox Call Tracking and management solutions provide useful data and analytics to businesses around the world. Many of our customers use their own statistical monitoring tools and request integrating …

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5 Call Tracking Tips to Help You Make Better Business Decisions in 2020

January 28, 2020

Call tracking. Two simple words that have come to mean different things to different audiences. For big companies, this may be something “the marketing department” handles when evaluating …

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Virtual Numbers and Their Applications

November 27, 2019

Want to learn about virtual numbers and how they can help your business? In this article, we explain what virtual numbers are and the different ways they can increase your revenue and help your …

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How to Use a Call Whisper to Grow Your Marketplace

August 21, 2019

Do you have trouble attracting and retaining sellers in your marketplace because they don’t know how many clients you send their way? Your marketplace could be sending your sellers 90% of their …

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iovox Product Newsletter

July 25, 2019

In this product newsletter, we’re excited to cover:Mobile call tracking and CRM integration.Customer Spotlight of La Centrale in France.Team Talk with John Harrell, Principal UX …

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Global Online Marketplaces 2019 Miami Recap

July 9, 2019

At iovox, we are proud Gold Sponsors of the Global Online Marketplaces Summit, and each year their events never fail to deliver. Last month, we had a phenomenal time talking about call tracking in …

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Meeting Privacy and Performance Goals with Call Tracking from iovox

May 28, 2019

Here at iovox, our blog is home to many great customer stories, featured for their innovation and the positive results garnered from using call tracking solutions to solve a business problem. In this …

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5 Reasons Why Automating Phone Bookings Can Drive Revenue and Profit

March 12, 2019

Many people think that the original use of the telephone – a phone call – is outdated in today’s world. In 2019, with just a few taps on our mobile phones, we have the entire …

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SEAT: A Call Tracking Success Story

February 26, 2019

As our blog readers know, we periodically like to feature customer success stories. This week, we’re pleased to feature SEAT, a brand of the Volkswagen Group. Read on to learn how a successful …

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Q&A with WannaSpeak Founders

January 22, 2019

In this week’s blog, we’re excited to feature a Q&A with WannaSpeak founders, and new iovox team members, Thibaut Behaghel and Benoit Dausse. On January 15th, 2019, iovox announced the…

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Best Real Estate CRM Software: Top 12 Tools (Reviews and Pricing)

December 12, 2018

Searching for the best real estate CRM for your business? Or curious about how a CRM can help grow your real estate business? In this article, we investigate how to choose a CRM, how a CRM can boost…

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40+ Real Estate Marketing Strategies (2024 Update)

October 2, 2018

Let’s make this very simple.To excel in real estate marketing, it’s crucial to:Understand the desires and needs of your target market.Cultivate trust and credibility.Clearly …

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The Luxury Real Estate Agent Success Manual (8 Key Strategies)

August 13, 2018

Being a luxury real estate agent can be incredibly rewarding. Commissions are substantial, you rub shoulders with wealthy and influential people such as celebrities, high-profile entrepreneurs and …

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Great Ideas, Great Results: Where Marketing Meets Call Tracking

July 31, 2018

From time to time, we feature customer stories on our weekly blog. This week, we’re delighted to hear from Epicosity, an ideas company and marketing agency based in Sioux Falls, S.D. The company…

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Inman Connect 2018 Recap - The View from Start Up Alley

July 23, 2018

For iovox, this was our first time attending Inman Connect and it lived up to the hype. We are moderating our post-conference euphoria, but we must admit, we were thrilled by the reaction to our new …

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Inman Connect 2018: Real Estate’s Top Conference

July 10, 2018

Inman Connect is one of the top real estate events in the industry, organized by Inman, one of the top content publications in the real estate industry. In 2018, the next Inman Connect conference is …

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The Power of Zoho One: What We Learned at Zoholics

April 17, 2018

Zoho may not command as many headlines as its larger rivals, but as we learned from their passionate customers and partners last week in Texas, Zoho is on a roll. For those who were unable to join, …

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8 Marketplace Takeaways from Property Portal Watch, Bangkok

March 13, 2018

If you follow the iovox blog, you’ll know we love helping marketplaces run more profitably and deliver better services. We’ve worked hard to build our reputation for high-quality, high-…

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5 Strategies for Managing Enterprise Sales Phone Calls

March 7, 2018

iovox welcomes guest bloggers to share their expertise. Today, we’re delighted to introduce Peter Banerjea, Co-Founder of SuccessIsWhat Marketing. Peter’s work frequently appears in …

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An Inbox For Phone Calls

October 12, 2017

Originally Posted in HuffPost, by Rachel Wolfson, Contributor.We live in a world consumed by emails, text messages, misplaced sticky notes, and countless phone calls. While these interactions are …

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The Phone Call - A Story of Innovation

August 14, 2017

‘Mr. Watson, can you hear me?’“For a moment, the only thing the audience heard was a crackling sound coming from the receiving device. Then a voice came through. ‘Yes, sir, I…

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