Great Ideas, Great Results: Where Marketing Meets Call Tracking

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From time to time, we feature customer stories on our weekly blog. This week, we’re delighted to hear from Epicosity, an ideas company and marketing agency based in Sioux Falls, S.D. The company has been listed on the Inc. 5000 three years running and has been named one of the “50 Best Places to Work” by Prairie Business Magazine. The agency has amassed a great deal of accolades for its creative work, and its Chief Creative Director was recognized with the South Dakota Advertising Federation (SDAF) Creative Legacy Award in 2017 (they know their stuff). Let’s hear it from them directly.

Epicosity refers to itself as “an ideas company.” This begins with the office culture and ripples through the work we do for our clients. To ensure that our mantra rings true for our clients, we ensure our ideas are not only new, cutting-edge solutions, but also that they provide measurable results.

Depending on the format of a campaign or project, tracking effectiveness is often achieved via a multitude of software platforms. These solutions should be understandable and translatable for the client. But beyond that, they should offer learning opportunities for the agency team to continuously improve results.

Epicosity was recently presented the opportunity to support a client’s televised infomercial campaign by building a supplemental digital campaign and a web environment to measure conversions. The goal of both the infomercials and digital ads were to drive traffic to a landing page and offer points of conversions to the visitors.

Through event and attribution-tracking set up within Adobe Analytics, we could effectively demonstrate the traffic source and conversion rate based on the media that was referring landing page visitors. The campaign was ready to be set into motion, with one exception—phone call tracking.

As an alternative to visiting a landing page, or in lieu of clicking an “Order Now” button, there needed to be an option to call directly. Since phone calls also served as a point of conversion, we needed a data hub that could display the phone call statistics, as well as allow for multiple, toll-free numbers to track by source. These numbers would be implemented to display on the associated televised ad or populate dynamically within the landing page based on the referral source.

Enter iovox.The vetting process for the right phone-call-tracking software led us to a company we didn’t know that much about. As we started looking at iovox, we were impressed with its credentials in supporting customers across a spectrum of vertical markets and in far-flung places around the globe. As we met the team, they were able to help us design a solution that would give us something measurable and concrete for our client.

The system was easy to implement, and we’ve been very pleased with the support and the quality of what we’ve been able to deliver to our client. Happy clients mean a happy agency. When you can work with the best people and deliver next-level outcomes, we couldn’t be happier.

Ideas are the coin of the realm for Epicosity. Our culture breeds creativity, and we deliver for our clients. For more information on Epicosity, please visit our site, or, to learn more about call tracking from iovox, head over to

Questions?We’d love to hear from you. Give us a call toll-free from within the US at +1 888 369 9519 or send us an email at

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