How to share notes with Zoho

How to share calls with Zoho from iovox Mobile:

  1. Share call with Zoho
  2. Wait until you see text changes from 'Sharing with Zoho..' to 'Shared with Zoho..'
  3. Add comments into the 'share' section
  4. These will appear as 'notes' in Zoho CRM

After you share a call with Zoho, you can share notes into Zoho as seen in the image below. /help/attachmentDownloadByName?object=10814-269-S8-shared-zoho.png

How to share calls with Zoho from iovox Web:

  1. In the Calls View, tap to highlight the call you would like shared with your Zoho CRM account. The highlighted call will be light blue in the call history.

  2. Once the call is highlighted, tap the ‘Share Call’ icon, next to the garbage can in the top right-hand corner of your screen.

  3. In the ‘Share Call’ popup window tap ‘Share with Zoho CRM’.

  4. A pop up will let you know that the call has been shared successfully with Zoho

iovox, Android, iOS, Integrations, Zoho

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