Iovox named winner of Red Herring Top 100 Europe award

News provided by iovox
May 1st 2017

LONDON, May 2, 2017 - Iovox, a global call analytics company, announced today that it has won the 2017 Red Herring Top 100 Europe award, presented at the ceremony in Amsterdam. Iovox's inclusion on this prestigious list identifies it among the year's most promising private technology ventures in Europe, as it accelerates its mission to make call data useful and actionable, globally.

During the months leading up to the announcement, Red Herring reviewed over 1,200 companies in telecommunications, security, cloud, software, hardware, biotech, mobile and other industries. iovox was selected by the Red Herring editorial team as one of the most innovative companies based on 20 main quantitative and qualitative criteria, and a presentation of its winning strategy at the Red Herring Europe Forum.

The award win comes during a period of momentum for iovox, following the recent completion of $10M Series A round funding, and its development of a new mobile and desktop application that will make all calls - regardless of source - actionable, informative, and able to be analysed for individuals and for businesses of any size. The new solution will also integrate with leading CRM platforms and will be released this summer. With the Red Herring Award evaluating companies not only on their impressive track record but also their potential for discovering new business opportunities, it is this vision for giving the phone call its first upgrade since it become mobile that ultimately won over the judges.

"Red Herring looks to see past the "buzz" and find the companies that are really innovating the industry," said Alex Vieux, publisher and CEO of Red Herring. "What iovox presented at Red Herring this year really demonstrates a company that has identified an opportunity in the market, and is creating a solution to do something with call analytics that nobody else thought of. The potential inherent in this approach made it a must-have for the Top 100, not to mention something I could easily see myself using given how often I am on the phone."

"The Red Herring Top 100 is truly a list to watch, and as a company we are honoured to be included," said Ryan Gallagher, Founder and CEO of iovox. "At iovox we're poised to fundamentally change how businesses look at and use the phone, along with the definition of what call tracking really is. It's brilliant to gain this recognition of our achievements and the potential we have as we announce our progress in the year to come."

About iovox
Iovox's mission is to make data from all phone calls as useful, actionable, and valuable as email or chat. Trusted by leading brands and global customers in more than 30 countries, iovox delivers on its mission via call analytics and collaboration solutions.

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