iovox WebConnect

Make It Easy For Potential Buyers To Reach You

Turn visitors into leads

Add a call button to your site and unlock instant conversations with leads.

Customer journey visibility

Get reliable attribution and more visibility on the customer journey.

Immediate results

Get started in minutes and get results immediately.

Give it a try

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As an example, the code snippet for the button above looks like this:

<div id="call_button"></div>
 let options = {
 let dialer = new IovoxDialer(options);

How it works

With iovox WebConnect, you select which pages on your website you want to add call buttons to. To install iovox WebConnect, you need:

  1. An iovox account
  2. A decision on where you want to route your calls
  3. A simple JavaScript snippet added to the pages where you want your WebConnect buttons to display

It’s that simple, and you can be up and running in minutes, not days or weeks.

You can place different iovox WebConnect call buttons on different pages and have the calls ring in different locations, such as sales, support, or billing.

When someone is browsing your site from their computer, tablet or mobile, they can click or tap the iovox WebConnect call button and be instantly connected to your team.

In the real world...

Any business with a website can benefit from iovox WebConnect

Most businesses have a website for two reasons; to promote their company and generate sales. If that sounds like you, then iovox WebConnect is perfect for you. An affordable, easy to deploy tool that helps to convert browsers into buyers, through a call button that makes it FREE for your customers to connect with you.

More than just a new way to connect

With iovox WebConnect, you can enable any page with a call button which will increase opportunities for engagement with prospective buyers visiting your site. In addition, you’ll also know exactly what page the person was viewing when they made their call. Perfect attribution.

With WebConnect you get access to more advanced features from iovox including enabling video calls and features like Call Whispers so the person answering knows which page the caller came from before saying hello.

If you are interested in quality assurance stats, you can also use the iovox call recording and transcription and speech analytics and keyword spotting features. These tools are perfect for evaluating for quality or spotting business trends early.

There’s much more to iovox than WebConnect

When it comes to turning an ordinary business phone call into a valuable piece of data, iovox is the name to trust. Used by leading brands in 100+ countries, iovox expertly shows customers how to make the most of their phone data.

View more Call Tracking features

Contact our team today to explore our products and solutions

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Or call us on +1 (888) 408 4128
