How To Make Your Online Marketplace Stand Out In The Crowd. A Webinar Recap

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We recently hosted a webinar titled: “How To Make Your Online Marketplace Stand Out from the crowd.” Wyem Dardouri the Product Evangelist at iovox and James Gray, the Director of Global Marketplaces at iovox shared two new iovox solutions, iovox WebConnect and iovox Insights, why they are important, how they bring value to online marketplaces, and how you can leverage them to grow and improve your business.

James and Wyem

At iovox we believe that whether your business is a market leader, challenger, or somewhere in between, we are the innovation partner every marketplace needs, and our new “Latest Innovations” webinar series helps us to better share our newest solutions with you.

In our live webinars we share case studies from our partners from around the world, from different verticals and share ideas on how to engage more effectively with your customers and consumers and differentiate yourself from your competitors.

Below are some of the big takeaways from “How To Make Your Online Marketplace Stand Out in the crowd.” The first of two products Wyem Dardouri demoed in the webinar was iovox WebConnect. WebConnect is a button that can be placed on any website that enables a tap-and-talk experience.

When we created WebConnect, we did so with 4 specific challenges in mind. Here are the challenges we saw in the Online marketplaces’ industry, that we set out to solve with WebConnect:

  1. Brand Awareness: Marketplaces need to increase brand awareness because without clear insight, the ownership of lead generation can be wrongly associated with their competitors, especially if they are a challenger in the market.
  2. Spam: Spam can be a real issue on lead quality perception. For example, for marketplaces who offer solutions to private advertisers, many of them decide not to display their personal phone numbers online, because they worry about spam calls.
  3. Cost: In some territories, the cost to use tools such as call tracking numbers to prove ROI can be very expensive, or it would be too expensive to use for all their customers (private advertisers, etc.).
  4. Availability: In some places call tracking numbers are sometimes not available at all like in Asia, certain parts of LATAM or Africa.

In order to overcome these four challenges and create even more benefits, we developed iovox WebConnect.

How it works: iovox WebConnect is a WebRTC solution which allows calls to be generated via browsers without the need for numbers. This means that you can include buttons on your website which, when clicked, generate a call to you or your advertisers and you can associate multiple functionalities to the button.

This video helps explain in more detail.

iovox WebConnect Solutions:

  1. Improved brand awareness: With iovox WebConnect the advertiser can know exactly where calls are coming from with Whispers, analytics, and alerts so that brand awareness increases.
  2. Elimination of spam calls: As there aren’t any telephone numbers, advertisers are protected against spam and have the option to disconnect their WebConnect buttons as soon as items are sold.
  3. No cost for telephone numbers: When using iovox WebConnect there is no need for phone numbers so there is no cost for number rental.
  4. Universally available: In places where traditional call tracking numbers may not be available, if there is internet, iovox WebConnect can be used.

In addition to meeting the four main challenges, iovox WebConnect created even more benefits for users such as:

Access to additional valuable data: With WebConnect there is the option to access additional information such as the user session id, to link the customer journey to the call, the listing which has been called, etc. and share that information in real time.

A/B testing & optimization: With all the data collected, marketplaces can do A/B Testing to understand what is generating calls vs what is not and advise their customers adequately.

Customer Journey: You’ll also know exactly what page the person was viewing when they made their call. Perfect attribution.

Redirect to the right person using IVR: You can place different iovox WebConnect call buttons on different pages and have the calls ring in different locations, such as sales, support, or billing.

iovox WebConnect Use Cases:

With WebConnect there are multiple use cases possible and here are a few examples of how some of our customers are currently using this simple integration.

Mobile Only: Where call tracking is already available at a good price, some customers are currently using WebConnect on mobile devices only in order to track the source of their call traffic via mobile and with this data, extrapolate on what this data would be for all of their traffic (desktop, mobile, tablet).

Private advertisers: With WebConnect there is only a fee if leads are generated, and minutes are used. Marketplaces gain insight into what is happening and what is generating calls, A/B Testing, etc. without having to pay for a significant number of call tracking numbers.

Cost and coverage: This is particularly relevant to emerging or early-stage markets. Historically conversations with leading players in these markets (eg: South East Asia, Africa, Middle East etc.) where either the cost of traditional call tracking was simply cost prohibitive, or there was no coverage and thus they could not proceed. The creation of WebConnect has enabled these conversations to recommence and move forward.

Attribution: With partners reporting anywhere from 20 – 60% of all of their leads derive from a telephone call, if you’re not already using traditional Call Tracking, WebConnect provides an enormous opportunity to complete the attribution circle.

iovox Insights – a conversation analytics solution

The second product Wyem and James shared in “How To Make Your Online Marketplace Stand Out in the crowd” was iovox Insights. Insights is a Conversational AI service that has the ability to record your calls and use advanced keyword spotting on the recordings. Insights increases call sample rates to 100% and can flag calls that don’t meet criteria. Everything Insights is set up to do can be done daily and almost instantly through conversation intelligence.

As Wyem mentions in the webinar, Insights was created with 4 specific industry challenges in mind as well. Here are the 3 challenges we set out to solve with Insights:

  1. Lack of Visibility and Accuracy: When a marketplace wants to understand the quality of what is being said on a call, there is a real lack of visibility.
  2. Difficult to analyze: it can be very difficult to perform proper analysis unless you are able to record all your calls and score them.
  3. Time and resource consuming: With large scale marketplaces, it is not financially feasible to sample and score at scale by hiring or using staff to listen live and score calls or listen to recorded conversations.

In order to overcome those challenges and create even more benefits, we developed iovox Insights.

How it works: iovox Insights is a Conversational AI service that converts phone calls to text that can be analyzed. Insights saves time and money, reduces the chance of human error, and helps you reveal the truth about your business.

This video helps explain in more detail.

iovox Insights Solutions:

  1. Improved Visibility and Accuracy: with iovox Insights, marketplaces can automate call sampling by converting phone calls to text that can be analysed. You gain an understanding of your business that was unreachable before, knowing what is happening on all your calls based on their outcomes.
  2. Powerful analytics: With Insights you can evaluate 100% of your calls instead of small sample sizes. You don’t have to choose and extrapolate the data.
  3. Time and resource saving: The same team member who was scoring calls manually can tune the Insights system to check 100% of calls and generate automatic alerts if specific rules are triggered, freeing them up to work on higher level projects.

As with WebConnect, there are many use cases for iovox Insights for any business looking to improve performance, whether in operations, sales, or support.

iovox Insights Use Cases:

Customer Experience: To know if the customer experience was positive or negative

Quality Control: To know how well agents are resolving customer complaints

Review: To evaluate agents’ performance

Qualify Leads: To know if the call was a qualified lead

Forward thinking: To identify new revenue opportunities

Booked visits/Contact details exchanged: Insights can be set up to inform and alert on all different types of call conversions

Questions Posed During the Webinar live Q&A

Q: How much does WebConnect or Insights cost?
A: The charges are just cents per minute. No hidden fees and unlimited data storage.

Q: Is Insights available in different languages?
A: Insights is currently used in French, English, Spanish, Italian and German. But if there's any specific language you're interested in, let us know, and we will let you know if it's available, most likely it is.

Q: Is Insights real time? Or is it delayed?
A: Almost real time. It's a question of a few seconds or minutes depending on the length of the call/recording.

Q: Can I see the prior web pages visited by the caller if they use WebConnect to make a call?
A: Yes.

Q: Is there a difference in the call quality, if I'm not using a telephone number?
A: The only thing which might impact the call quality is the internet connection. It would be the same experience as if you are using Zoom or Skype etc. to make a call.

Q: Can I get the phone number of the person who uses the WebConnect button to call them back if no one answers?
A: Yes

Q: Do clients use WebConnect and call tracking numbers?
A: Yes

To hear the full-length answers to these questions and a few more, live Q&A starts at 20:25 in the recap video.

Final thoughts

We had a really great time hosting “How To Make Your Online Marketplace Stand Out from the crowd,” and look forward to organizing more webinars in the coming year. If you couldn’t make this webinar live, the full webinar is embedded below and at this link.

Any business with a website can benefit from iovox WebConnect, it’s an affordable, easy to deploy tool that helps to convert browsers into buyers, through a call button that makes it FREE for your customers to connect with you.

And any business with a call center of 1 or more people, or with calls or recordings that need analyzing can benefit from iovox Insights, a conversational AI service that helps you reveal the truth about your business.

At iovox we’ve been here for the evolution of online marketplaces since 2007 and we’ve always helped our customers stay ahead of the curve when it comes to innovation.

We’d love to talk with you about your business and how we can help. To connect with us, tap the green WebConnect call button below and our team will be in touch with you shortly.

You can also email us at or give us a call toll-free from within the US at +1 888 369 9519.

From outside the US please reach us at one of these numbers:

Las Vegas, USA +1 702 425 7505
London, UK +44 (0)20 7099 1070
Sydney, Australia +61 (0)2 8520 3530
Paris, France +33 (0)1 84 88 46 40


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