
Request Method: DELETE

Description: Removes one or more VoxNumbers from your account. The VoxNumber goes back to IOVOX and can no longer be used. It is possible to retrieve a deleted VoxNumber by raising a support ticket with IOVOX provided it has not been recycled by that time.


ParameterDescriptionDefault ValueData TypeMandatory
vAPI version to use
rm_if_in_useIf TRUE the VoxNumbers will be removed from any Links if they are attached to. If FALSE a validation message will be thrown if any of the requested VoxNumbers are attached to a LinkFALSESTRINGNO
full_voxnumbersA comma delimited list of all voxnumbers to be removed. These must be in e164 format with no leading zeros or + (e.g. 44207100234 for a London VoxNumber)


Error Result

HTTP CodeError StringResolution
400API Version EmptyAdd a value for the v parameter in the query string
400API Version InvalidCorrect v parameter
400Request Method must be DELETE. x attemptedSwitch request method x to DELETE
400rm_if_in_use InvalidChange rm_if_in_use to TRUE or FALSE
400VoxNumbers EmptyAdd one or more full_voxnumbers to the request
400VoxNumber x of y does not existsCorrect full_voxnumber x (item) of y (total)
400VoxNumber x of y EmptyCorrect full_voxnumber x (item) of y (total)
400VoxNumber x of y not an integerCorrect full_voxnumber x (item) of y (total)
400VoxNumber x of y is attached to a LinkRemove full_voxnumber x (item) of y (total) from the request or set remove_if_in_use to TRUE
400You can only remove a maximum of 100 VoxNumbers in a single requestBreak the request into single requests of less than 100 each
500Internal Server ErrorRetry later

Success Result

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content