This document details the authentication that can be set in the request and relates directly to the VoxReq.auth javascript object. An Authentication key for accessing your account via the Javascript APIĀ and Action key for accessing a specific method can be obtained by contacting your account administrator or sending an email to

The following parameters are set against the VoxReq object in your javascript

Parameter Attribute Description Data Type Mandatory
auth Object to contain the authentication access key (accK) and actions key (actK) OJBECT YES
accK This is the access key for your account. Use case:
actK This is the action key to access the specific method/action. Use case:


- Notice the 3rd line, VoxReq.auth, contains the parameters from the table above. If you do not have these keys, contact your account manager or send an email to

<script type="text/javascript">
    var VoxReq = {}; // Initialise object
    VoxReq.auth = {"accK":"ge803fbc4629d15aae13ab9fe8c1e187d8c62de9","actK":"c62de9fe803fbc4629d15aae13ab9fe8c1e187d8"}; // Authentication = {"l":"Notting Hill Flat"}; // Data for request
    // Notice, VoxReq.resp not set

     (function() {
     var vox = document.createElement('script'); vox.type = 'text/javascript';
     vox.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://www' : 'http://www') + '';
     var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(vox, s);